Thursday, December 17, 2009

What would you do with ONE million dollars?

Lately I've had the song "If I had a million dollars"
in my head and been thinking what I'd do with a million dollars. Nope..I wouldn't buy a house, or a car! I would DONATE it all, every last cent to the wonderful charities I have worked for over the years. Without them I wouldn't be the HAPPY, nonprofit lovin, blogger, and PhD student that I am today.

If I had a million dollars, I give part of it to:
  • Establish an American Humanics certificate program at Cottey College in order to equip students to become skilled professionals and leaders in America's nonprofit organizations (approx. $8,000 per year).
  • Fund scholarships for Christian leaders from emerging world countries to study in the United States (approx. $15,000 per scholarship).
  • Empower low-income parents to determine, pursue and achieve their goals for education, employment and economic security.
  • Provide leadership training and opportunities for young women and serve people in their journey through grief. (approx $2,500 for a young womens leadership event & $1,000 for a bereaved family).
  • Fund research to create a statistically sound (and replicable) survey to study the impact and use of nonprofit masters students' projects on the nonprofit organizations for which the projects were developed. (approx. $50,000 to design survey, collect and analyze data, and write report). Ok, I admit, this one is selfish because this is research I really want to conduct and share with other nonprofit programs, but I don't have funding to do it...yet. :)
What would you do with one million dollars, what charities would you donate it to?

Happy Holidays Everyone!!

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