Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Nonprofit Reading List

I am reading A LOT for my dissertation.

I also enjoying reading about all sorts of nonprofit topics online and off. In fact, I frequently get overwhelmed because I want to read it all -- literally. A few months ago (right around the time I defended my dissertation proposal) I came to the realization that I cannot read all the e-newsletters that come into my inbox, and I certainly can't read all the fabulous new nonprofit blogs that are popping up on the web. I scaled down on the number of eNewsletters I subscribe to and the number of blogs that I read to the list below.

I subscribe to:

I add blogs to my google reader on a regular basis.
I find out about new blog posts and new nonprofit bloggers through twitter.

Now with regards to books.
My bookshelf is overflowing with nonprofit books and I don't have time to list them all here. I will provide several of the books that I use in the classes and seminars that I teach:

I often get frustrated that I have to go to nonprofit publishing websites like Jossey-Bass and Sage to learn about the new books that are coming out. My wish is for two things.
  1. There would be a wiki that lists ALL nonprofit and philanthropic books/ ratings/subject areas
  2. Faculty members would be open to sharing (with the general public) what nonprofit textbooks that they use in their classes.

Happy Reading!

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