Friday, May 21, 2010

2010 Nonprofit Employment Trends Survey Results

Over the past five months I served as the team leader for the 2010 Nonprofit Employment Trends Survey, a research project of the Caster Family Center for Nonprofit and Philanthropic Research.

Nonprofit HR Solutions
(a Washington DC based nonprofit human resources consulting firm) approached us to work on this national survey of nonprofit employment practices. I am happy to report that the data we collected is representative of organizations across the nonprofit sector by size, subsector, and location!!

The Caster Center will be hosting a Nonprofit Human Resource Management Symposium to discuss the key findings and implications this data on San Diego area nonprofits. I would like to highlight a few of these key findings here along with my commentary.

1. The nonprofit job market appears to be stabilizing. Nonprofits are starting to recover from the economic downturn and they are planning to hire new staff in the latter part of 2010 into 2011.

2. Nonprofits are doing more with less. As the demand for nonprofit services increases, nonprofits are turning to current employees to get the work done rather than hiring new employees. This is especially the case with smaller organizations. This staffing strategy has potential negative consequences of employee burnout and voluntary turnover.

3. Succession planning continues to be a problem for organizations. For senior and executive level positions, nonprofits are hiring from outside of the organization. This is especially disconcerting for emerging leaders. There are few opportunities for upward mobility within nonprofit organizations and the move out to move up mentality still rings true. (This finding mirrors the NP2020 research)

Click here to access the full report.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Fund my Dissertation Research: Experiential Education within Nonprofit Management and Leadership Education

My committee has approved my dissertation proposal so now I can begin my dissertation study!

As with any study, there are costs associated with doing my dissertation. I am currently looking for foundations, corporations, and/or individuals who will fund my dissertation study.

I've developed a proposal that outlines the specific costs associated with this research. If you are interested, or know of anyone who might be interested in funding this type of research, please let me know and I will forward you/or them the proposal. Email me: hcarpenter at sandiego dot edu Thanks!


Currently there is no comprehensive picture of the various experiential education strategies employed in nonprofit management education programs in the United States. A comprehensive picture is not even available for the master’s degree programs associated with the Nonprofit Academic Centers Council (NACC), the organization that supposedly includes the country’s trend-setting nonprofit programs. This preliminary study will document (a) the types of experiential education approaches offered in master’s degree programs associated with NACC-affiliated institutions; (b) the programmatic contexts in which the different types of experiential education occur; and (c) the larger organizational settings and the different levels of institutional support associated with the use of different experiential education approaches.

A two-phase mixed method exploratory design (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2007) will be employed to accomplish the three goals listed above. In the first phase, qualitative interviews will be conducted in order to explore the phenomenon of experiential education within a limited number of purposefully-selected master's degree programs. Once the phenomenon has been explored and common themes and definitions have been identified with representatives from a limited number of sites, a second phase of the research will focus on the development and administration of a survey instrument. The survey instrument will be administered to representatives from all eligible NACC institutions and will be used to confirm or disconfirm common themes that emerged during the qualitative interviews.

This study will aid in creating a better understanding of the pedagogy and curricula employed in master's degree programs associated with NACC member centers. The study also should reveal how a variety of contextual factors influence these programs. This information, in turn, should provide empirical grounding for the nonprofit field’s ongoing discussion and debate about the form and function of nonprofit management and leadership education.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Nonprofit Human Resources Management Symposium - San Diego

I hope that you'll attend the Nonprofit Human Resources Management Symposium - San Diego. I organized this symposium through my work at the Caster Family Center for Nonprofit and Philanthropic Research.

Date: June 16, 2010
Time: 1-5pm
Place: University of San Diego’s School of Leadership and Education Sciences
Cost: $50 - Click Here to Register

This symposium will be framed around results from the 2010 Nonprofit Employment Trends Survey conducted jointly by the Caster Family Center for Nonprofit and Philanthropic Research and Nonprofit HR Solutions. This national survey of nonprofit employment practices provides insight from over 500 nonprofit organizations and is representative of nonprofit organizations across the sector by size, subsector, and location.

Key findings from the survey include data about:
  • Staff Size and Projected Growth for 2010-2011
  • Recruitment Strategies and Budgeting
  • Key Staffing Challenges
  • Staffing Resource Management

Following a panel discussion, attendees will be given the opportunity to attend smaller seminars conducted by nonprofit HR experts from San Diego and across the country and themed around the following issues.

Recruiting and Maintaining a Diverse Workforce (Lisa Morton, CEO, Nonprofit HR Solutions)

Pay for Performance (Joe Brown, Principal, Slope Resources)

Employee Recruitment Best Practices: Face-to-Face and Through Social Media (Laura Gassner Otting, CEO, Nonprofit Professionals Advisory Group & Emily Davis, President, EDA Consulting, Founder and Board Chair, YNPN San Diego)

Essential Employment Law Practices For Non-profit Organizations: How To Avoid Getting Sued (Christopher Olmsted, Partner, Barker, Olmsted, and Barnier)

Risk Management Basics (Ann Shankin, Director of Loss Control, Nonprofits' Insurance Alliance of California)

The Role of HR in your Organization and How it Impacts Employee Retention (Karen Kramer Horning, Principal Consultant, NextLevel HR)

Work with Me: Working Together Across Generations (Sherri Petro, President, VPI Strategies)